Best practices for storing timestamps in Laravel

August 23, 2024 • 5 min read

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Best practices for storing timestamps in Laravel | Learn how to store and display timestamps in your database handling multiple timezones


When dealing with time-sensitive data in web applications, timestamps are crucial. They help track everything from user activity to system logs. However, the way we store and render these timestamps can significantly affect the accuracy and user experience.

As a software engineer with experience in Laravel, Vue.js, and AWS, I've learned that handling timestamps correctly is a critical aspect of building reliable systems. In this blog post, I’ll explain why I recommend storing timestamps in UTC, and then discuss different strategies for rendering them according to the user's timezone.


Why You Should Store Timestamps in UTC


Consistency Across Time Zones

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is the standard time that doesn’t change with seasons or time zones. When you store timestamps in UTC, you ensure consistency across all time zones, which simplifies the logic for time-based operations such as scheduling events, recording logs, or processing data from users around the world.

Imagine if you stored timestamps in local time zones. The complexity of handling daylight savings, different time zones, or even international users could introduce bugs and errors. Storing everything in UTC eliminates these issues at the database level.


Database and Application Interoperability

Storing timestamps in UTC allows for seamless integration with various systems and APIs that operate on a global scale. Most third-party services and APIs work with UTC, so when you align your data storage strategy with this standard, you reduce the chances of miscommunication between systems.


Example: Laravel and UTC Timestamps

In Laravel, this practice is easy to implement. By default, Laravel works with UTC for timestamps, thanks to the created_at and updated_at fields that are automatically managed in UTC. You can set the application's timezone in config/app.php, but behind the scenes, the timestamps are still stored in UTC.


// config/app.php
'timezone' => 'UTC',


Even if your app operates in a specific region, storing in UTC ensures that future expansions to different time zones won't require a major overhaul of your timestamp storage strategy.


Rendering Timestamps in User Timezones

Once you have stored your timestamps in UTC, the next challenge is to render them correctly based on the user's local timezone. There are several ways to approach this depending on your application’s needs.


1. Client-Side Conversion Using JavaScript

The simplest approach is to send the UTC timestamp to the frontend and use JavaScript to convert it to the user’s local time.

In Vue.js, you can easily achieve this using Date objects or a library like moment.js or day.js.


// Assuming you have a UTC timestamp from the backend
let utcTimestamp = "2024-08-23T12:00:00Z";

// Convert to the user's local timezone using JavaScript
let localDate = new Date(utcTimestamp);


This approach has several advantages:

  • Simplicity: You send the same UTC timestamp to all users and handle the conversion on the client side.
  • Flexibility: The browser automatically determines the user’s timezone, eliminating the need for explicit timezone management on the backend.

However, this method might not always be ideal for server-side rendering scenarios or when handling bulk data processing.


2. Server-Side Conversion

Another approach is to handle the conversion on the server side based on the user’s timezone, which can be stored in the database.

For example, in Laravel, you could convert the timestamp to the user's timezone before sending it to the frontend.


use Carbon\Carbon;

// Assuming you have a UTC timestamp and the user's timezone
$utcTimestamp = '2024-08-23 12:00:00';
$userTimezone = 'America/New_York';

$convertedTimestamp = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utcTimestamp, 'UTC')

echo $convertedTimestamp; // Displays the timestamp in the user's local timezone


In this method, the server sends the converted timestamp directly to the client, ensuring consistency across platforms. It’s useful when you need to perform server-side operations based on user-specific times, such as generating reports or scheduling tasks.


3. Hybrid Approach: Store User Timezones in the Database

One way to combine the benefits of both client-side and server-side rendering is to store the user’s timezone in the database when they register or log in.

  • When displaying timestamps on the frontend, you can either convert them server-side (for server-rendered content) or pass the UTC timestamps and timezone information to the client for conversion via JavaScript.


// Example of storing the user's timezone in the database during registration
$user->timezone = $request->input('timezone'); 

// Later, when rendering timestamps
$timestampInUserTimezone = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utcTimestamp, 'UTC')


This hybrid approach gives you flexibility in handling different scenarios, whether you need to generate reports server-side or provide a dynamic UI that updates based on local times.


Considerations for Daylight Savings Time

One tricky aspect of dealing with timezones is Daylight Savings Time (DST). When handling user timezones that observe DST, you need to ensure that your conversions account for these shifts.

Fortunately, libraries like Carbon in Laravel and moment.js or day.js on the frontend handle DST changes automatically, as long as you use the correct timezone identifier (e.g., America/New_York instead of just EST).



Storing timestamps in UTC is the best practice for maintaining consistency, especially when dealing with applications that serve a global audience. Once the timestamps are securely stored in UTC, you have several options for rendering them based on the user's local timezone, whether using client-side JavaScript, server-side conversion, or a hybrid approach. Time handling is a critical piece of any application, and getting it right will save you from future headaches while ensuring a better user experience!


Happy coding! 🚀


MySQL,  JavaScript,  PHP

About the author


Gonzalo Gomez

Sr. Software Engineer

I have over 6 years of experience building highly scalable web applications using a wide variety of technologies. Currently focusing on Laravel, Livewire, Vue.js and AWS as my go-to stack.

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